Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Riding on the brakes!

Today it was time to improve the performance of the lungs after the step training at South Stack last Sunday, as it was evident although the lungs were strong, they needed a slight push to cope with the legs, as they were fine on Sunday, but the lungs were slightly behind. 

You may notice there are no pictures today, as time was running short, so will keep the blog to a minimum!

I'd already noticed that the turbo trainer resistance was still not working to full capacity, therefore decided to add my own resistance, by increasing the pressure on the rear brakes!  This had the effect of burning rubber (by slowing down the wheel rim, and increasing friction between tyre surface and roller surface) to an extent that rubber smell was clearly coming from the back wheel......and all this was done whilst the bike was raised at a 25 degree angle to simulate hill climbing.

This certainly has the dseired effect as I was able to increase the heart rate temporarilly to a new average rate of 165.  However, I still allowed for recovery to simulate 'cresting', before shifting to a lighter gear and spinning lightly.  This was mixed with sprinting for 30-45 seconds at 110-120 rpm, to create a good intense speedplay session.

This will help to increase not only speed but increase the lactate threshold and improve endurance.

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