Sunday, 12 February 2012

Tower 42, Recce, London

Well folks, popped to London town to visit friends and do a close up of Tower 42 - looks epic when you stand next to it and look up!
I was going to go inside the main stairwell, to take photographs of the stairs to gauge them, but decided not to in case the security guard thought I was up to something lol!

We also passed the almost completed Chard Tower near London Bridge - this no doubt will be a potential event in the future!  
While navigating the underground, I also took advantage of some in-weekend training by going up the stationery escalators in the underground, much to the interest of some commuters travelling on the opposite escalator going up - where I was able to not only keep up, but pass those on the escalator!

My hotel room where I was staying was on the fifth floor, so I made good use of the stairwell everytime  (of course I could have gone all the way up, but at 12 storeys, it's nowhere near as 42!

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