Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Going Good

Tuesday's training consisted of lower body and cardio work using the steps.  I was pondering whether to mix some stepping with cycling tonight, having not had the chance to get out on the bike as planned on Sunday (despite a steady state training session)

Obviously the training so far has paid off - 25 minutes on the stepper, with a steady 40 incline steps per minute, with 3 sets of interval training for 1 minute.  First interval was 63 steps, 59 and then 66! Max heart rate peaked at 191 and average heart rate at 147!

The previous steady state step training was 36 steps per minute just over 3 weeks ago (at a push) - now its 40 with less effort - A good increase.  I've calculated that on this pace, bearing in mind i'm going up one step and down 1 step (whereas tower 42 is continuous upward stapping) I  can roughly double this figure.  This means my present training should allow me to complete all 920 steps in under 12 minutes!

For the next week - this level will be maintained.

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