Sunday, 8 January 2012

Heavy start to today's training

It was a cold damp day outside and I had planned to do a 40 mile dash on the winter training bike to build up cardio and lower body using a great course which includes a mixture of mostly flat/hills.

However, I decided to use my internal gym instead!  A good 10 minute warm up was then followed by lower body stretching.

The trusty turbo trainer for cardio and resistance session was then used.  The gym team discvered the cable was damaged and was running the turbo and level 5 out of level 7 resistance and the arrow marker has gone broken off!

Inverted switch housing showing damaged casing
Careful consideration was given to the aerobic curve as this meant interval training could not be safely done!  We managed to maintain a steady state training of 20 minutes on 60 rpm (excluding warm up and warm down).  Average heart rate was 135 - so all was not lost!

A short rest and further specific lower body training took us to just past the hour. Legs felt they had a good session!